
Scholarship Database

Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations.

Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) • DAAD


DAAD wants to increase the number of international doctoral candidates in structured graduate schools at German universities.

Who can apply?

Excellently-qualified doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists who have completed a Master's degree or Diplom, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor's degree at the latest by the time they begin their scholarship – depending on the graduate school.

What can be funded?

A PhD project at a structured graduate school at a university in Germany.

Duration of the funding

Up to 4 years – depending on the graduate school.


  • Monthly payments of 1,200 euros
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
  • Travel lump sum (depending on country of origin)
  • Annual research allowance of 460 euros

Under certain circumstances, grant holders may receive the following additional benefits:
  • monthly rent subsidy
  • monthly allowance for accompanying members of family (about 200 euros child allowance per child; about 275 euros marriage allowance)

Additionally, the host graduate school can receive an annual material resource and supervision allowance (1000 euros).


GSSP is no programme you can apply for directly!

Only after applying at a participating graduate school (see for the list of participating graduate school you can apply to and for further information) and being nominated for a scholarship by said graduate school, you are asked to upload your application in the DAAD portal.

Further information

Direct applications for GSSP without being nominated by a participating graduate school will be rejected without further notice!

Additional information for applicants can be found at the DAAD website "Important information for DAAD scholarship applicants" (sections C & E are not applicable in the Graduate School Scholarship Programme).

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