

Addresses, directions, and opening times

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  • Branch Office London

    9 Gower Street London, WC1E 6HB Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7831 9511

Nearest Tube Stations:

Goodge Street/Tottenham Court Road/ Russell Square (Northern, Elizabeth, and Piccadilly Lines)

Meet us in person

Do you have a question regarding your study options or academic career at a German university or research institute and would like to talk about it in person?

It is possible to visit our London office and talk to one of our DAAD staff; please ensure you make an appointment first. Or you can see one of our DAAD Lektoren at your local university

We also regularly take part in different events throughout the country and would be delighted to meet you. Look out for our DAAD/Study in Germany stand at the following fairs:

At the fairs, DAAD London provides general information on studying in Germany and research opportunities at German universities as well as funding options. Come and ask us about how to make a difference to your academic career by doing your Masters, PhD or Post-doc in Germany. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Public holidays

The DAAD London Office will be closed on the following German and British holidays in 2024:

Saturday, 1 January New Year’s Day
Friday, 8 March International Women’s Day
Friday, 29 April Good Friday
Monday, 1 April Easter Monday
Wednesday, 1 May Tag der Arbeit
Monday, 6 May Early May Bank Holiday
Thursday, 9 May Ascension Day
Monday, 20 May Whitsun
Monday, 27 May Spring Bank Holiday
Monday, 26 August Late Summer Bank Holiday
Thursday, 3 October Day of German Unity
Tuesday, 24 December Christmas Eve
Wednesday, 25 December Christmas Day
Wednesday, 26 December Boxing Day
Wednesday, 1 January 2025 New Year’s Day