
DAAD Teaching Assistants in the UK and Ireland

The programme provides 10 month scholarships for European nationals with a degree from a German university to gain experience in teaching German as a foreign language at a British or Irish university.

The range and focus of tasks and responsibilities exercised by the teaching assistant varies depending on the host higher education institution. They include some or all of the following:

  • Teaching a maximum of 8 hours per week of German as a foreign language, e.g. language classes, conversation courses, drop-in classes, Landeskunde etc,
  • Maintaining contacts with German organisations (DAAD, DFG , Goethe-Institute and others) and with higher education institutions in Germany,
  • Advising students from the host department and other academic departments as well, on study and research opportunities in Germany and on possible sources of financial support,
  • Offering extracurricular activities for students, e.g. film screenings, student language/research summer schools, German drama groups or organizing and managing visits of German creatives for events with students, colleagues and the public.

The assistantships are allocated to a university based on an application by the academic department of a British or Irish university and depending on the funding available.

The host institutions are selected by the DAAD London office on the basis of an application and the placement process takes into account the host institution’s special requests concerning the profile of the candidate.

An application should include the following:

  • A short profile of the position, stating tasks during the Lehrassistenz and requirements for applicants,
  • A short report about the department, the involvement of the teaching assistant and possibilities of engagement within the department,
  • Possible support for the teaching assistant, e.g. own work space, accommodation etc,
  • The person in charge who will act as a mentor for the assistant, e.g. DAAD Lecturer or senior member of staff.

The application should reach the DAAD London office via mail ( one year in advance, e.g. August 2022 for the academic year 2023/2024.

The DAAD will inform the applying institutions on the success of their application  in autumn, e.g. September/October. The interviews of prospective scholarship holders will take place in spring at the DAAD’s head office in Bonn, after which the DAAD London is able to suggest suitable candidates to the respective departments.

Wollen Sie auch Lehrassistent*in werden?

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    • Fri: 9 am – 3:30 pm

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