
DAAD Young Ambassadors

Young Ambassadors are undergraduate and Master’s students at universities who have recently studied or been an intern in Germany and who are interested in volunteering to promote study in Germany at their home university or other interested universities with the help of the DAAD.

They help to inspire their fellow students by giving them useful tips on how to organise their own stay in Germany.

The DAAD Young Ambassadors Programme is a unique and exciting two-semester volunteer opportunity for undergraduate students and Master’s students to promote study and research abroad in Germany at their home universities and colleges.

During the academic year, DAAD Young Ambassadors promote study and research in Germany by working with their universities’ study abroad offices, volunteering at study abroad fairs, organising classroom visits, info sessions, fun events, and answering their fellow students’ questions. DAAD provides Young Ambassadors with brochures, giveaways, and funding for events.

Young Ambassadors do not necessarily have to be alumni of DAAD grant programmes.
You are eligible for the programme if you

  • are an undergraduate student or Master’s student at a university
  • have recently studied or done research at a German university, or been an intern in Germany
  • are available to promote study in Germany on your campus during the academic year
  • like to speak enthusiastically about your experiences in Germany in front of groups
  • are willing to represent the DAAD at a study abroad fair and to organize at least one event per semester on your campus.

During the academic year, as a DAAD Young Ambassador you will promote study in Germany by

  • working with your university’s study abroad office and volunteering at study abroad fairs
  • organising classroom visits, info sessions, science or poetry slams, video blogs, webinars and other fun events you come up with to share about your experiences in Germany and answer fellow students’ questions
  • using brochures, giveaways, and event funding provided by the DAAD to spread the word for your events!

This role will allow you to

  • put your newfound knowledge, gained through your experience abroad, to use by sharing it with others
  • be an active part of the DAAD´s global network of Alumni
  • connect with other DAAD Young Ambassadors who might share similar past experiences and future goals
  • improve upon your public speaking, organisational and networking skills

You have been to Germany for study or research? You loved it?
Want to tell others how great it was? Then become a DAAD Young Ambassador!

Please contact

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  • Branch Office London

    9 Gower Street London, WC1E 6HB Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7831 9511

    Office Hours

    • Mon – Thu: 9 am – 5 pm
    • Fri: 9 am – 3:30 pm

    Please make an appointment before your visit. Thank you.

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